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Mindanao Travel - January 26-31, 2009

Join me in viewing God’s creation from above....literally from about 37,000 ft assigned altitude of our aircraft going to Cagayan De Oro City, Mindanao...

Our initial approach to the island of Mindanao, via Cagayan De Oro’s Lumbia Airport.

Mountainous area of Cagayan De Oro, How magnificent it is seeing from above...

The Lumbia Airport’s Runway...

Welcome sign at Lumbia Airport, Cagayan De Oro... “WELCOME”

Just arrived at the Fruitful Island of Mindanao.

With Colorful stones as a background. here, you'll see the tall coconut trees and trees of fruits named "Marang" and "Durian"

Some of the rivers crazed by a heavy rainfall during early part of January... Northern area of Mindanao then was devastated by two-week long continuous rainfall, thus resulting to heavy flooding in the region...

Filipinos are used to ride in vehicle with full force. Meaning, sometimes, we have to exert some effort to ride a public transportation just to get wherever our destination will be.

Long and winding road between Aplaya and Butuan...

Finally, my breakfast at Inland Resort Hotel at Butuan City... Thanks God for another blessing... Filipino breakfast, plain rice, egg, Daing na Bangus (Milkfish), hot chocolate and pineaplle-orange juice.

Manmade lake inside Inland Resort. There are numerous fish mostly tilapia, it is really good to hear some noise made by them during early morning when they looked like playing, :)

Long travel to Davao City, home to the biggest eagle in the world and fruits like “Marang” and “Durian”. It is approximately 5 hour from Butuan City to Davao City..


Bogcess said…
Wow! It's seems you really covered your trip! Hehe! You have an interesting content here. Care to exchange links? I'm pinoy too. Kindly add my blog to your list then let me know so i can add you aswell.



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