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Cable or Satellite TV?

After a long day of work, I would normally lie down in my hotel room and watch TV. As for me, watching TV is one of the simple means of entertaining myself. With that, it would be great if I could get enough of my TV right?

In the previous years, local channel had been replaced by cable networks. But in the recent years, these cable networks are gradually being replaced by satellite TV. What’s the difference? Well, there’s so much of the difference. Satellite TV Providers had the edge in picture quality (they use digital rather than analog), channel selection (they offer more channels over cable), HD channel (they offer 100 HD channels as compared to 60 of cable), and DVR and Computers (they allow reception through your personal computers). These are just the basic Satellite TV Facts that I got myself informed. So, what would be your choice, cable or satellite TV?


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