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Showing posts from October, 2009

Registration at the 2009 Timex Run

I had a great time with my Adidas King of the Road 2009 run. If you run with a thousand, you won’t get tired. After crossing the finish line, you’ll be yearning for more. And you’ll feel that you can run another 5KM. With that, I am already planning to join several other runs. My next one would be A Run for the Pasig River . I’ll be joining my girl and her colleagues. Their company had sponsored their run. The event will be on the 8th of November, 6AM. Hope we won’t be late this time. On the 15th, well be joining The 2009 Timex Run . We had registered at Grand Showroom, Robinsons Land Corp., Robinsons Galleria last Friday. There were only few singlet sizes left, so I only end up with size L. I have to lose some extra fats to have that singlet fit me. It was a lesson learned we should have registered at an earlier date. Here’s the content of our race packet: Race bib and disposable timing chip Granola bar Race singlet There are also a lot more perks for the registrants. As...

My Personal Notes About Yahoo Domain

Photo Credits: Domains Yahoo I have been previously discussing about the importance of web presence and owning a domain in my previous posts. Now, let me discuss my personal notes about yahoo domain. The things that one would normally consider in purchasing your own domain is the, of course, stability of the registrar/provider. In my cyber life, I haven’t experienced downtime with Yahoo. And since Yahoo Domains are hosted on the very same server as, owning a domain under Yahoo would mean an equally stable website for you. Not to mention that it is cheaper that other competitors. The average spending that you’ll have in owning a domain is $10 annually. But for Yahoo, new customers are billed as little as $1.99 per year and $9.95 for existing customers. On top of this encouraging package, here’s a gist of its main features: PC Magazine Rated Easiest 24 Hour Toll-Free Customer Service Domain Management Private Domain Registration Starter Web Page Domain Locki...

Adidas King of the Road 2009

Finally, I had been convinced by my girl to join her in her running career. It was dawn of October 25, 2009. I gave her several calls, but she had not picked up her phone. Probably she was still asleep. As for me, I already prepared myself for the event. Cutting the story short, we met at GMA MRT Station around 5:15AM. It was kinda late already. We advised her officemate to go ahead and just inform us the exact location that we were suppose to tell the cab we're to ride on. Unfortunately, we hailed an airport-metered cab whose flag down rate is PhP70.00. We thought that it would just be and additional PhP40.00 to the fare in an ordinary taxi. But, we later on find out that the taxi meter is reading like water droplets. Not to mention that we got off the cab at Market Market (the 4KM marker of the race). It was a whopping PhP250.00 for our taxi fare. It was a blessing that another officemate of her had a vehicle where we could drop our things rather than on the baggage...

Search Engine for e-Books

When I was still taking up my Master’s Degree, I would always sort out to searching for e-books for my resources. These e-books had been very helpful for me for my assignments, report works, and even baby theses. However, I must admit that searching for the e-books that I really needed is not that easy. I would always stumble to false URLs, wasting my time and money. I should have known about pdf search engine beforehand. The said search engine is specially made for searching e-books. Keying in the title of the book, the author, and an excerpt in the search engine will surely lead you to the exact e-book you are looking for. No more falsified URLs, no more wasting of your valuable time and money. Do you need an e-book? You know where to search for it now.

Adidas King of the Road Running Expo 2009 at Megatrade Hall B

As mentioned from my previous post , I have accompanied my girl in claiming her singlet for the Adidas King of the Road 2009 . We had several errands to do in the morning until early in the afternoon; so, we arrived around 5:30PM in the venue, Megatrade Hall, SM Megamall, Building B. I am surprised how many runner buffs were there. It is a long line in the claiming of singlet. Good thing, her colleague is already there, queued in line for her. She showed me the singlet being given, and was stunned at it. It is of great quality, and its tag price is PhP495.00. The registration fee costs PhP500.00. The fee goes with the PhP495.00 singlet and carbo-loading goodies. So, I am encouraged to join. And unlike the early registrants who have to wait for their turn, I got mine immediately after registration. Not to mention that my girl failed to claim her singlet. Adidas just promised to deliver it at their doorsteps. Yes, I thought it was unfair. They could have devised a way to m...

Needed a .com?

Photo Credits: Delirium Are you in need of a domain name? Do you want your blog to have its site as Or do you prefer a Or would you love to have it as With my hops around different blogs, I have noticed a lot who already owned a domain. Well, my girl already owned one. I am really not that technical know-how when it comes to these web domains and web hosting. But probably, most of them who owned an online business are after business website securities . It justified the costs of these web hosts rather than having free websites. So, if you are in need of a .com, .info, .net, or any other else, here’s a tip for you. In my previous post about my new Samsung LCD P2250, I had confessed that I am really particular at prices and quality. That is why I would really toil the work of price canvassing before I finally settle at purchasing one. It also applies in purchasing webhosting services. And you’ll be glad to know that the tediou...

KFC Twister Wrap

I accompanied my girl yesterday at SM Megamall (Megatrade Hall B) for the Running Expo of the Adidas' King of the Road 2009 . I am encouraged to join since the singlet is of good quality. It is worth PhP450.00 when bought at their store. It is already worth it since the registration is just PhP500.00 that already includes carbo-loading (sort of) activity and more. Photo Credit: The Big Digital This KFC Twister Wrap plus a cup of their blueberry shake consists the carbo-loading food of the expo. At first I thought that we won't get full with just that wrap, but I stand corrected. With just a single wrap, you'll already get that 'burp' feeling. And the taste is satisfying too.

Personalize It

My girl had described me as someone who is "masinop" . I really take very good care of my belongings. I see to it that it will really look good as new even though it is already years older. I own my belongings. The feeling of ownership is within me, that's why I really attend to all of them watchfully. And what could be more triggering to that feeling but to have my things personalized. If ever I would already have my own car, I wanted to have it personalized too. I have searched online for some Personalised Number Plates for my initials with just 2 simple steps: (1) Enter my initials; and (2) Hit the search button. The site returned a number of results that closely relates to your search criteria and with a quick link to its ‘Buy’ link. Wow, it is that easy.

Papaya in Cebu

Failed to share this from my posts of my Cebu travel last September . Papaya in Cebu These fruits were not yet ripe. But it just shows how bountiful it is. I must say that I so love nature. I love seeing these kind of beauty.

How's Your Car?

After what had happened to the Philippines with the fury of Typhoon Ondoy, how’s everyone coping with trying to get everything back to normal? I have seen numerous properties that had been damaged. It is fearful to see how the hot and expensive vehicles seem to be like toy cars with the rage of flood. I can’t imagine if those would still be useful. How about you? How's your car? Photo Credits: anitokid of PhotoBucket Well then, while everybody’s vehicle is in the shop for repairs, let me suggest an online store where you can purchase your need for diesel parts for those who prefer to do the labor on their own. This online store, the Diesel Parts Pros offers a great deal with their turbochargers, diesel fuel pump , glow plugs, and other products related to diesel parts. Aside from the lowest priced products, they also come with customer-friendly and technical know-how people to assist you. In addition, you are rest assured that their products were genuine.

After Ondoy - New Lyrics of the Old Folk Song "Bahay Kubo"

Received this e-mail from a colleague, and I believe this is worth sharing. Well, this is how Filipinos are known for, being happy and cheerful regardless of the situation. That is how we were able to surpass each and every trial that we had faced for the past years. TODAY’S JOKE : Let’s be cheerful, for a change, after all that gloom and doom. A friend forwarded me new lyrics for the old folk song “Bahay Kubo” that many children are now singing. Bahay ko po Dami putik, Ang pumasok doon Ay sari-sari. Nilamas na karton, Sirang medyas at damit, Silya, basurang mapanghe. “Ondoy” parusa, binura Marikina, At saka meron pa: lubog ang Edsa, Montalban at Pasig, Taytay at Cainta, Sa paligid-ligid ay puno ng baha.

Please Shut Down Your Computer

Photo Credits: That's what system administrators would always remind every employee. A year ago, our company implemented electricity saving measures. It is mandated that we should log off our PC’s before going home so as to save up that extra cents from the company’s electricity bill. If you failed to comply, you will get a memo the following day. As for me, it has always been my practice even though that measure is not yet implemented nor broadcasted. But, of course there will always be stubborn people who would leave their computers on. To resolve this problem, system administrators could make use of auto log off application. This application helps the administrators to define the maximum idle time or the time window when to log off a certain computer from the network. This useful application is very flexible; almost everything is set in its configuration. You can control a workstation from the network and have it automatically logout, restart, shutdown, or...

Activity to Save Mother Earth

As promised, here are my pictures from the 24th International Coastal Clean-Up Day . Caring for Mother Earth: The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) Opening Ceremony: Sec. Lito Atienza and Ms. Earth 2009 Beauties Path going to the coastal area Our team, the white group Picking up the garbage Pasig River Control With just a matter of 4 hours or so, this is the amount of garbage that our group alone collected. Photo Op with Ms. Earth 2009 Beauties

I Bought a Samsung LCD Monitor P2250

I haven’t been traveling for quite sometime now. I’ve been busy with office works lately. So, I scarcely share anything here. I just wanted to share that I had bought a new Samsung LCD Monitor P2250 yesterday at SM North EDSA Annex. It is my practice to do some information gathering before purchasing a gadget or product. I do this by searching for the best sellers, the popular, and the best quality. After which, I am now ready to do some price canvassing around the mall. For your benefit, I have here the prices that I had known in my activity yesterday. I saved you so much leg work there. Ü Store/Shop 2343 (23”) 933 (19") 2050 (21”) 2250 (21.5”) 2370 (23”) 2233 PC Chain PhP 11,500 PhP 8,000 Think PC PhP 8,700 PhP 10,650 IT Madness PhP 9,100 Micro Station PhP 10,999 GLCC PhP 7,500 PhP 10,900 / PhP 11,500 Electroworld PhP 9,950 PhP 12,295 NT CompMart PhP 7,150 PhP 10,990 (display) Asianic PhP 10,000 (display) CompLink PhP 11,590 / PhP 10,800 PhP 13,690 / PhP 13,000 Silicon Va...

Black Ferrari Perfume

I am really not into perfume, until my girl introduced Ferrari Perfume. Well, actually, we just happen to pass by the perfume section of the mall that time. We took a stop and plunge into the scent of each and every perfume. Until we find the Ferrari Perfume likeable than any of the rest. Not too strong. Also, the scent seems to leave a lasting impression. So, we decided to swipe my credit card and purchase it. It comes in two variant, the red and the black. I let my girl chose the best one for me. And so, she preferred the black one. And that’s what I’m wearing daily. It feels good inside and out. If you would want to know the popular, the new, and the best seller perfumes, I suggest you try searching at online perfume stores first. It will save you time and that leg work.

A Bamboo Shelter in a Garbage Dump City

I do believe that we Filipinos are at par with our neighboring countries when in comes to talent. And sometimes, we even go beyond their expectations. It has come to my knowledge that a Filipino architect named Gonzalo 'Jun' Raymundo, Jr. was selected as one of the top ten finalists in the prestigious Guggenheim Art Shelter Competition. Here is his entry: Allow me to post the press release of the Philippine Embassy regarding the said competition. FILIPINO ARCHITECT SELECTED AS FINALIST IN GUGGENHEIM ART SHELTER COMPETITION 18 SEPTEMBER 2009 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Filipino architect Gonzalo “Jun” Raymundo, Jr. who is based in Quezon City, Philippines was selected as one of the top ten finalists in the prestigious Guggenheim Art Shelter Competition. The Guggenheim Art Shelter Competition is an exhibition contest sponsored by the Guggenheim Museum and Google SketchUp. It is open to both amateur and professional designers who are challenged to come up with various 3D designs inspir...