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8 Waves Waterpark, San Rafael, Bulacan

In one of my summer nights last May, I had spent it with my girl and her family at 8 Waves Waterpark, San Rafael, Bulacan. It was a simple night swimming, and a lot of fun.

The said waterpark is situated in Ulingao, San Rafael, Bulacan which is owned and developed by Villamar Construction & Development Corporation. On the other hand, Univill Corporation manages the resort. I must say, it is one of the finest attraction of Bulacan, being popular for its waves. But since we had visited the resort at night, we failed to experience the 8 kinds of waves (it is only available in day swimming), we only got the chance to swim in their lap and bubble pools. As for the rates, we only paid PhP150 for adult and PhP70 for Stephanie, my girl's Mom and Auntie (Senior Citizens).

The Waterpark's Entrance

The Giant Dolphin

This is our cottage worth PhP300 (I guess). It has its own padlock, a table, and a celing fan. So, it's safe to swim without even having someone to look for your valuables.

This is the 4ft. pool where we stayed most of the time in our night swimming. By the way, night swimming is only from 6PM to 11PM.

This is the artistic wall design going to the shower.

They also have the hotel if you prefer to stay and sleep there. But we haven't tried it yet. For more info about this, you may visit their official website here.

In their parking area, they have there landscapes suitable for photo shoots :D

And since we cannot bring along food inside the result, we satisfied ourselves eating at the parking lot. Most of the people do that here. A thrift decision. But if you don't want to bring any food, there is a Pancake House inside the resort where you can dine. Also, there is a Mini-Stop in front of the parking area.

In the hotel's lobby, I got the chance to have a photo shoot too :D

While wandering around the resort, we find this interesting photo opp and grab the chance. How did we look? Perfect! :D


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