I believe most of you will agree that doing things with 'the love of your life' will truly allow you to best enjoy every second of it. No matter how simple or complicated a task maybe, doing it hand-in-hand with your love one makes it extraaa special. So, ' How to Best Enjoy Minute Maid Pulpy Orange? ' It is by savoring its natural pulp with my girl. In addition to that, it will add extra 'spice' since we would be relishing it after doing our well-loved activity together - running. My girl influenced me in joining race events. And I never imagined that we would be 'into it' this far. Our feet will surely bring us farther until, I guess, we can complete a full marathon? This coming April, we would be having our first 10K run. In order to prepare ourselves, we had a regular jogging every Friday at UP Diliman. We just go on three rounds in the 2.2K route that will pass by the Oblation. After sweating it all out, it is time rehydrate ourselves, coo...
As we travel around, we would like to share the magnificent view with you. Enjoy looking at the pictures.